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Glorious days in Salt Hill Park

by Christine Phillips

  Fifty One yrs ago when i was born my family lived in an old row of cottages due to be condemmed between The Swan Pub and the entrance to Salt Hill Park Slough.My lovely mother would take me and my sister Diane into the park where i remember the lovely rockery gardens and the bird avery, we would then spend all day in the free paddling pool with all of the other children whilst mum sat nearby with a picnic usually sardine paste sandwiches,a wagon wheel and a bottle of made up orange squash.

  On the way home we would pass the steam roller and watch the elderly people playing bowling on the imaculate kept grass, then mum would take us for a walls ice cream in the barn cafe where you would have to take the paper wrapper of the ice cream and sit it in the square cone, we would walk home and mum would get dads tea ready for him when he came home from work in the factory at Harris Intertype on the trading estate, i absolutely loved Salt Hill Park and feel so lucky to have spent so much of my childhood there.

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