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School days

  I was interested to read the article by Roger Griffiths regarding Windsor House School.It would appear that we may have been there at the same time probably 1949/1950 and his comments on the headmistress Mrs.Noding from whom I received the cane on a number of occasions across my outstretched palms.

  I regularly moved Schools as my father would always take me and my brother on holiday in term time and he was always falling out with heads, but we were the ones who suffered.

  Wednesday was a half day and we sometimes used to stand outside the Odeon? cinema across the road and ask adults to take us in to see films outside our category age. What people would make of that nowadays I shudder to think but we never felt in danger.

  I used to live at Beaconsfield and caught the bus to school and would walk up to the Three Tuns to watch the blacksmith shoe horses and forge metal. On Saturday we used to go swimming with the School at the baths on the Beaconsfield road. At Beaconsfield old town I used to change buses and whilst waiting would cross the road to a small papershop with a cafe at the back and have beans on toast for three old pence.

  On the way home from school I would buy a loaf for a farthing and make a hole and eat all the white innards I would then leave the loaf in its paper bag on the top front seat hoping that someone would pick it up thinking they had a goodie and then find it was an empty shell.

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